So let’s use Gremlin to help create its next release name.
First, we need songs with numbers in the title to satisfy criteria 3. I took that web page and extracted the song title, artist into a csv file.
Now we can start gremlin console.
We’ll need a good CSV parser to parse this file because it has quoted fields thus a simple split(‘,’) won’t do.
In gemlin console:
Now we’ll create the graph, even though this isn’t graphy, and load the data
Now we need to create a list of ‘numbers’, both digits and spelled-out, for criteria 2 and a list of nouns that can be replaced with ‘Gremlin’ for criteria 1.
Then painstakingly go through each list and remove what doesn’t belong. Once done, you can load the data.
Now that all the data is loaded, we can use gremlin to create the next great release name!
Let’s also include a non-deterministic random generator.
I have included the data files and a ready-to-go groovy script: